Saturday, September 19, 2009

Wood-Apple juice

Wood-apple (elephant-apple) is a seasonal fruit in Sri Lanka. It's rich with Calcium & Protein.

Ingredients(for three)
  1. one wood-apple (medium size)
  2. 5 - 6 table spoons of sugar
  3. 3 - 4 glasses of water
  1. Scrape the wood-apple content to the blender
  2. Add 1 glass of water (so that blender blade can rotate freely) & sugar
  3. Blend until you see all the big pieces no more
  4. Add rest of the water & blend for 10 seconds
Things to try
  1. Some add coconut milk instead of water. But I hate it for two reasons. One, coconut takes away the natural taste of wood-apple. Two, I am not good @ making coconut milk. :-)

Friday, September 18, 2009

Strawberry juice

Wify has been asking for strawberry juice for sometime. But I had a hard time finding fresh strawberry on super markets I visit regularly. Finally managed to buy some & here's how the drink came up. Since this is my first time with strawberry, had to be careful with not adding too much water or sugar. I was particularly amazed @ the amount of red colour one piece of strawberry could add in.

Ingredients (2 persons)
  1. 6 pieces of strawberry (medium size)
  2. 3 - 4 table spoons of sugar
Things to try
  1. You can try adding some ripe guava. This will add a nice smoothie taste to the drink.
  2. Mix with yoghurt
  3. Do not add too much sugar or water. Strawberry has some water inside & it's ideal if you blend it first with very little amount of water as possible, taste it & add more water as needed.
Here's how it came up....